Goa Wedding Photography

Wedding Photography Of Anusha And Aniket

Marriage is a promise to life , to the best that two individuals can discover and acquire out each other.-Goa Wedding Photography.

The glorious wedding of Anusha And Aniket held at Goa. The ceremony lasted for 2 days with the conventional customs. The wedding also had a beautiful haldi ceremony,full of shared laughs and fun. The Bride , Anusha completely cheered us. Anusha stunning in her colourful traditional wear. Her traditional saree,jewellery,henna all made her a perfect Bride while Groom , Aniket perfectly radiant in kurta and dhoti . 2 days full of family , faith and fun. 2 days of love. But more than this , this was about family. About how the Bride’s and Groom’s friends and relatives gave a heartwarming message to them. May the deep rooted joining of your souls and brains keep on showing you your motivation and may you generally be brought most delightfully and enduringly the nearest of yourselves and of each other living long and joyfully,satisfying all that you are. Hence Congratulations Anusha And Aniket.

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Couple           : Anusha And Aniket
Location        : Goa
Composition : Team Weva
Contact          : +91 9061040471
Mail                : info@wevaphotography.com
FB                   : facebook.com/wevaphotography


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